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Current Conditions: CLARKSVILLE

Mostly Cloudy

84.9 F

Last Updated on Sep 16 2024, 01:52 PM CDT
Humidity: 39%
Wind Speed: 6.9 mph
Barometer 30.06 in
Dewpoint: 57.0 F
Visibility: 10.00 mi
Precip: --
Heat Index: 84.0 F
Wind Chill: NA
Current conditions at:


Lat: 36.61 Lon: 87.42

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Observation History for CLARKSVILLE

Time Wind
Weather Precip (in) Temperature (F) Relative
Air Dwpt altimeter
sea level
01:52 PM CDT 6.9 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 84.9 57.0 39% NA 84.0 30.06 1018.0
12:52 PM CDT 3.4 10.00 Clear -- 84.9 59.0 42% NA 84.6 30.07 1018.3
11:52 AM CDT 0.0 10.00 Partly Cloudy -- 84.0 61.0 46% NA 84.4 30.10 1019.3
10:52 AM CDT S 4.7 10.00 Cloudy -- 80.1 61.0 52% NA 81.1 30.12 1019.7
09:52 AM CDT SE 6.9 10.00 Partly Cloudy -- 79.0 61.0 54% NA 79.2 30.12 1020.0
08:52 AM CDT 5.8 10.00 Clear -- 75.9 61.0 60% NA 76.1 30.12 1019.7
07:52 AM CDT 4.7 10.00 Clear -- 72.0 63.0 73% NA 72.3 30.12 1019.7
06:52 AM CDT E 4.7 10.00 Cloudy -- 69.1 63.0 81% NA NA 30.09 1019.0
05:52 AM CDT E 4.7 10.00 Cloudy -- 69.1 64.0 84% NA NA 30.08 1018.6
04:52 AM CDT 0.0 10.00 Cloudy -- 70.0 64.9 84% NA NA 30.06 1018.0
03:52 AM CDT 0.0 10.00 Cloudy -- 71.1 64.9 81% NA 71.6 30.06 1018.0
02:52 AM CDT 0.0 10.00 Cloudy -- 71.1 64.9 81% NA 71.6 30.05 1017.6
01:52 AM CDT 0.0 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 70.0 64.9 84% NA NA 30.05 1017.6
12:52 AM CDT E 4.7 10.00 Cloudy -- 71.1 64.9 81% NA 71.6 30.06 1018.0
11:52 PM CDT 0.0 10.00 Partly Cloudy -- 73.9 64.9 74% NA 74.5 30.06 1018.0
10:52 PM CDT E 3.4 10.00 Cloudy -- 73.9 64.9 74% NA 74.5 30.06 1018.0
08:52 PM CDT 5.8 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 73.9 64.9 74% NA 74.5 30.04 1017.3
07:52 PM CDT 4.7 10.00 Cloudy -- 77.0 64.0 64% NA 77.4 30.03 1016.9
06:52 PM CDT E 4.7 10.00 Partly Cloudy -- 79.0 63.0 58% NA 79.3 30.02 1016.6
05:52 PM CDT E 6.9 10.00 Partly Cloudy -- 84.0 63.0 49% NA 84.9 30.02 1016.6
04:52 PM CDT 5.8 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 84.9 64.0 50% NA 86.4 30.02 1016.6
03:52 PM CDT 4.7 10.00 Cloudy -- 84.0 64.0 51% NA 85.5 30.03 1016.9
02:52 PM CDT SW 3.4 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 84.0 63.0 49% NA 84.9 30.04 1017.3
01:52 PM CDT 9.2 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 84.0 63.0 49% NA 84.9 30.05 1017.6

Regional Weather Observation


86.7 F


Mostly Cloudy
84.9 F


82.4 F


Partly Cloudy
88.0 F


Partly Cloudy
87.8 F


84.2 F

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