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Current Conditions: HARTFORD/BRAINAR

Mostly Cloudy

77.0 F

Last Updated on Sep 19 2024, 06:53 PM EDT
Humidity: 56%
Wind Speed: 9.2 mph
Barometer 29.85 in
Dewpoint: 60.1 F
Visibility: 10.00 mi
Precip: --
Heat Index: 77.0 F
Wind Chill: NA
Current conditions at:


Lat: 41.7299999 Lon: 72.65

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Observation History for HARTFORD/BRAINAR

Time Wind
Weather Precip (in) Temperature (F) Relative
Air Dwpt altimeter
sea level
06:53 PM EDT 9.2 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 77.0 60.1 56% NA 77.0 29.85 1010.8
05:53 PM EDT NE 13.9 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 80.1 59.0 49% NA 80.8 29.84 1010.5
04:53 PM EDT NE 10.3 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 81.0 57.0 44% NA 81.0 29.84 1010.5
03:53 PM EDT 12.8 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 82.9 55.9 40% NA 82.2 29.84 1010.5
02:53 PM EDT NE 13.9 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 82.9 55.9 40% NA 82.2 29.84 1010.5
01:53 PM EDT 15.0 10.00 Partly Cloudy -- 84.0 54.0 36% NA 82.8 29.85 1010.8
12:53 PM EDT 10.3 10.00 Clear -- 82.9 54.0 37% NA 81.9 29.87 1011.5
11:53 AM EDT 9.2 10.00 Clear -- 80.1 57.0 45% NA 79.9 29.89 1012.2
10:53 AM EDT 8.1 10.00 Clear -- 75.9 57.9 54% NA 75.7 29.91 1012.9
09:53 AM EDT 8.1 10.00 Clear -- 71.1 59.0 66% NA 70.9 29.92 1013.2
08:53 AM EDT 8.1 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 68.0 60.1 76% NA NA 29.94 1013.9
07:53 AM EDT 5.8 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 64.0 59.0 84% NA NA 29.94 1013.9
06:53 AM EDT 4.7 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 63.0 60.1 90% NA NA 29.94 1013.6
05:53 AM EDT 4.7 10.00 Mostly Cloudy -- 63.0 60.1 90% NA NA 29.94 1013.6
04:53 AM EDT 3.4 10.00 Mostly Clear -- 63.0 60.1 90% NA NA 29.94 1013.6
03:53 AM EDT 0.0 10.00 NULL -- 64.0 61.0 90% NA NA 29.94 1013.6
02:53 AM EDT 5.8 10.00 Clear -- 64.9 61.0 87% NA NA 29.94 1013.9
01:53 AM EDT 4.7 10.00 Clear -- 66.0 62.1 87% NA NA 29.97 1014.9
12:53 AM EDT 0.0 10.00 Clear -- 66.0 63.0 90% NA NA 29.97 1014.9
11:53 PM EDT 5.8 10.00 Clear -- 66.9 63.0 87% NA NA 29.98 1015.2
10:53 PM EDT 5.8 10.00 Clear -- 69.1 63.0 81% NA NA 29.98 1015.2
09:53 PM EDT 0.0 10.00 Clear -- 66.0 62.1 87% NA NA 30.00 1015.9
08:53 PM EDT 0.0 10.00 Clear -- 68.0 62.1 81% NA NA 30.01 1016.3
07:53 PM EDT 0.0 10.00 NULL -- 69.1 63.0 81% NA NA 30.01 1016.3

Regional Weather Observation


Mostly Cloudy
77.0 F


Mostly Cloudy
77.0 F


77.0 F


79.0 F


Mostly Cloudy
75.2 F


Partly Cloudy
71.1 F

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