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What is the difference between a Weather Watch, Warning, and Advisory?


A watch is issued when the risk of hazardous weather has increased significantly, but its occurrence, location, or timing is still uncertain.? A watch is intended to provide lead time to prepare for the potential weather event.

Under watch conditions is a good time to secure outdoor furniture and other objects needing protection from the forecast weather event.? Weather should be monitored for possible warning alerts.


A warning is issued when hazardous weather is “occurring, imminent or likely”. A warning means weather conditions pose a threat to life or property. People in the path of the storm need to take protective action.


An advisory is issued when hazardous weather is “occurring, imminent or likely”. Advisories are for less serious conditions than warnings, that can cause significant inconvenience and if caution is not exercised could lead to situations that may threaten life or property.


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