iAlert.com proudly supports "All Hazard" alerts from severe thunderstorm, tornado warnings, and civil emergency messages as issued by federal, state, and local authorities. Learn how you can receive any or all of these alerts by text…
WATCH A watch is issued when the risk of hazardous weather has increased significantly, but its occurrence, location, or timing is still uncertain.? A watch is intended to provide lead time to prepare for the potential…
iAlert.com provides two options to receive local hazardous alerts such as severe thunderstorm warnings, tornado warnings, civil emergency messages, and more.....by email and/or by SMS text message to your mobile phone. ?As of January 2015 All…
Government officials across the country issue local homeland security alerts on a regular basis to inform and protect the people of United States. Yes, that's right, on any given day there are thousands of hazardous weather…
Hurricanes are named alphabetically from a predetermined list beginning the letter "A" through "W", excluding names that begin with "Q" or "U." A storm is first named by the National Hurricane Center when the system becomes…
Hurricanes are named alphabetically from a predetermined list beginning the letter "A" through "W", excluding names that begin with "Q" or "U." A storm is first named by the National Hurricane Center when the system becomes…
The National Weather Service (NWS) is the official U.S. government agency charged with issuing weather watches, warnings, and advisories and is the source used by iAlert.com. Below is the criteria for a flooding used by NWS…
The National Weather Service (NWS) is the official U.S. government agency charged with issuing weather watches, warnings, and advisories and is the source used by iAlert.com. Below is the criteria for a severe thunderstorm used by…
The National Weather Service (NWS) is the official U.S. government agency charged with issuing severe weather watches, warnings, and advisories and is the source used by iAlert.com. When the NWS issues a "Tornado Warning" their decision…