Severe thunderstorm wind, hail, and tornado report totals for 2015 (click to enlarge)
All severe thunderstorm wind, hail, and tornado events reported by National Weather Service forecast offices in 2015:
- Hail Total 9,376
- Less than 2 inches: 8,669
- Greater than 2 inches: 707
- Severe Thunderstorm Wind Total: 13,974
- Less than 75 mph (65 kts): ?13,114
- Greater than 75 mph(65 kts): 860
- Tornadoes: 1,177
- EF0/U: 696
- EF1: 396
- EF2: 64
- EF3: 18
- EF4: 3
- EF5: 0
- Overall Total Reported Events: 24,527
Related Articles:
- How tornadoes form
- Tornado facts
- Tornado Safety
- Understanding Hail
- Lightning Safety
- Flood Safety
- Tornado Myths
- Lightning Myths
- Life cycle of thunderstorms
- Criteria for a tornado warning
- Criteria for a severe thunderstorm
- Difference between flood and flash flood
- Understanding the NWS Severe Weather Outlook