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Tornado Safety

Tornado Chasing Image

Tornado safety isn’t just about preparing before a tornado hits, it’s about knowing what to do during and after.  This article will help you prepare for before, during, and after a tornado event.

Before a Tornado

  • Make sure all family members know the tornado safe location in your home
  • Store an emergency kit in your safe location
  • Identify where to go if you are at work or school
  • Make a family communications plan

During a Tornado

  • Go to a safe location away from windows on the lowest level of a sturdy building
  • If you are caught outside, get in a car, buckle-up, and try to drive to the closest sturdy shelter
  • Go to a storm shelter if you are in a mobile home

After a Tornado

  • Beware of downed power lines, broken gas lines, and sharp/dangerous debris
  • Avoid damaged areas
  • Stay off the roads to allow rescue workers clear passage
  • Follow instructions from officials

Preparing your pets

  • Get your pets ready at first sign of an approaching storm
  • Put your dog on a leash and your cat in a carrier
  • Move all pets to the shelter well ahead of the storm
  • Include pet food and medicines in your emergency kit

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