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Lightning Safety


Caught outside in a storm, inside during a thunderstorm, or in a car there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the dangers of lightning

Outside in a lightning storm

There is no safe place outside with lightning, however these actions may reduce your risk of being struck.

  • Avoid open fields, the top of a hill, or a ridge top
  • Stay away from tall, isolated trees or other tall objects
  • Stay away from water, wet items, and metal objects
  • A tent or open air building will not protect you from lightning

Inside during a lightning storm

  • Don’t touch electrical equipment or electronics plugged into the wall
  • Stay off corded phones and avoid plumbing
  • Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches.
  • Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls

Inside a car during a lightning storm

You are safe from lightning inside a car as long as you do the following.

  • Roll up the windows so that they are closed
  • Don’t touch metal objects inside the car
  • Pull over on the side of the road ad put your hazards on

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